GSA: Accepting to All


One of the most underrated clubs at Weddington High School is the GSA, or Gay-Straight Alliance. Weddington’s GSA is a club dedicated to providing a community for LGBT youth and all of their “allies”, heterosexual people who sympathize and support the gay rights movement. The club meets every week to play fun games and have discussion on LGBT concepts and issues.

The GSA Network is a national organization that was created in the late 1990s that has inspired many high schools, middle schools, and colleges to open their own GSA chapter. The organization works to empower youth LGBT activists and raise awareness of LGBT issues, including homophobia and transphobia. The goal of Weddington’s GSA is to “provide a safe and fun environment for LGBT youth and allies,” says Vice President Anna Gretz. “I would love for the other members to get a sense of community, and just general knowledge from the club, as well as something to look forward to every week with people who understand what they deal with.”

The club does numerous activities related to LGBT topics, including service projects, short-film days, and decorating pinwheels for World Peace Day. They also have discussions about different genders and sexualities, as well as discuss how to deal with various problems such as bullying, coming out, and dealing with an unsupportive household.

One of the tell-tale signs GSA is truly an open and welcoming club was the continued positivity and alacrity of its members. Throughout the club meeting, there was consistent laughter and clear unadulterated enjoyment across the board, along with interesting and informative discussion. There was no difficulty in determining that GSA members are a close-knit group who truly trust, respect, and genuinely care for each other. This intimacy and comfort between members is what ultimately made the meeting so vibrant and energetic. GSA also proved constructive for its members as they held an informal discussion on different types of sexualities and genders, including the difference between sexual and romantic orientations as well as discussing what makes someone bisexual, pansexual, cisgender, non-binary, transgender, and much more.

Along with the zeal and underlying informative nature of the club, GSA also stands out for its inclusive qualities. Since GSA works to create a safe space for both LGBT individuals and straight allies, the club is welcoming to all types of people. On the national level, the GSA’s straight allies work alongside everyone else to vouch for LGBT rights and generate social change. On a local level, the two meet side-by-side to share their experiences and knowledge in a responsive environment.

Weddington’s GSA not only works to support LGBT and their allies just at our school; they are also looking to reach out to others that live in the community. “We are hoping to do an outreach event with other GSA’s in the county, as well as some fundraising events to help charities that do work for LGBT youth and adults,” says Gretz. With this club’s history of spirit and passion, there is no doubt that the GSA will continue to inspire enthusiasm and create a welcoming, safe space for all students who need it.