Apple Vision Pro: What we know so far
In June of 2023, Apple leaked a new potential product called the Vision Pro, which was a VR headset, with a sort of phone built into it that you can control with gestures, etc. The item was leaked for a long time showing a trailer video and the things you could do with this complex piece of technology. Now, what’s so special about this AR or VR mode headset? Is it the features, or the $3500 price tag? Let’s see why.
The first impressions of the unveiling had very few people be able to see what it was, feel it, wear it, etc. People said it was a really nice and easy to use VR headset, with 24 million pixels, probably being the most innovative and best VR headset to get out there (except the price of course). It isn’t heavy and people with glasses prescriptions can pay $150 to get special lenses. You can get adjustments when buying it of course, to have your perfect fit. You could use this for watching movies, work, calls, multitasking and a lot more. It has great quality reviewers say, and is crisp and has great resolution compared to the Oculus, or other brands.
The Apple Vision Pro can be pre-ordered starting January 19th at 8 AM EST, and real orders start February 2nd, and pre-orders will be available for pick up by then as well. At first it was only supposed to be available for pickup at an Apple Store in Idaho or California, but now it has been available for pick up if you ordered one. In other countries other than the US, orders are only available starting February 2nd. The price ranges from $3499 to $3899 for extra storage, etc.
Now, every great thing has some cons of course. The first of course, being how it looks when you wear it. You’re probably going to only use this at your house, or at a place where you’re sitting and static, so you shouldn’t be as concerned how you look when wearing it, but of course, VR headsets are getting more and more common, so a little more time from now, it won’t be as weird and probably be normal. Another con, is the energy efficiency, or in other words the battery life. It has such a wide range of things to do, that the battery life might just not be sustainable. This probably might’ve gotten fixed after the unveiling for the real product, or a software update, but hopefully it won’t be a problem. Since the real product hasn’t been released yet, there are definitely more pros and cons to come.