Candidates for North Carolina’s 35th Senate District

When thinking of those who occupy state senate seats, images of the elderly and uninvolved come to mind. The term “politician” seems to invoke an amount of shuddering from those who hear it. Politicians don’t ever seem to be personable or relatable- in fact, those who are meant to represent the people often seem to be distant and hard to reach.
Not in Union County, however; the 2018 North Carolina District 35 State Senate race falls between two hard-working, young, and charismatic parents; both have two children, both are small business owners, and both aspire to be the voice of North Carolina’s 10th largest county.
Caroline Walker – Democrat
Caroline Walker moved to Union County when she was only a teenager. Here she married her husband, Sean, and had two children. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Marketing, now working as a State Account Manager. Walker’s main platform is simple: she is a “mom in tennis shoes”, just like every other resident concerned for their children’s futures. Walker is running on the idea that she is, simply put, the people’s candidate. According to her campaign signs (which adorn the sides of Union County’s main roads), Walker is spreading the message that “Raleigh” (meaning current state level politicians) works for the people, not the opposite way around; the government should represent what the people want it to represent and do all it can to be a positive, progressive voice for the people. Walker is running as a Progressive Democrat, and her platform closely resembles Democratic ideals: it includes stricter gun laws, making healthcare affordable for all, and protecting our natural supplies of clean air and water.
Todd Johnson – Republican
Running against Walker is candidate Todd Johnson. Johnson is a long-time active resident of Union County, and is a leader on several innovative committees which help to spread the ideas most residents have, but are unable to express. Johnson is a parent of two boys as well as President of Johnson Insurance Management, his family’s company founded in 1991. Johnson is running as the potential “conservative voice” for Union County’s citizens. Johnson is running under infamous Republican ideals, such as reforming the education system and keeping strong the ideas set forth in the Second Amendment, explaining to people how Union County must be improved to accommodate its growing population of residents. Johnson also pushed for helping students obtain 4-year degrees and is a proud supporter of Union County’s only community college.
Union County has elected Republican Senators in the past two election cycles; as for now, it is unclear whether the trend will continue, or if Walker’s campaign will be enough to convince voters to sway the county’s overwhelming common opinion. However, on November 6th, it is crucial residents of District 35 cast their vote in determining who will be the voice of their county for the next two years.