Do you want a head-turning pet? This pet will get a definite dramatic reaction from everyone. Reactions range from skin-crawling apprehension to fast exiting from the room. This pet is the Madagascar hissing cockroach! Yes! You read that correctly.
“Bugs own the earth. So we might as well make peace with the landlord.”As Thomas Eisner explained. Is a Madagascar hissing cockroach a high maintenance pet? The large size (2-3 inches) and its tameness make it an ideal insect pet. The only maintenance needed is an adequate ventilation system and an occasional misting with water. This giant insect native to Madagascar carries no diseases and does not bite. As the name implies, it hisses loudly when frightened or disturbed. So no sudden moves! The cage should be placed in a warm location (72F-76F). A happy cockroach means a happy pet owner.
Some pets are picky eaters, but not the Madagascar hissing cockroach. It enjoys bananas, lettuce, oak leaves, orange slices, potatoes, peaches and more. Other than the oak leaves, it has a rather human diet. Bug owner Martin Rees states, “An insect is far more complex than either an atom or a star.” Amazing, isn’t it? In good conditions, this cockroach can live up to five years.
Of course, the cockroach will need a nice bed. Peat moss or wood chips make for excellent bedding. Add dark hiding places like cardboard tubes or egg cartons, and the cockroach is in insect heaven.
Having a cockroach as a pet may have you thinking that only a few weirdos would be interested in that. That is not so! They are extremely popular and have been for years. Many people like E.O. Wilson who said, “Every kid has a bug period. I never grew out of mine.”
Needing a gift for that child that loves insects? A Madagascar hissing cockroach is perfect! It does not mind being handled and moves slowly. The price is right, too! Amazon has them for as low as $5.95. Inexpensive, gentle, and low maintenance! The only problem is what to name it!