Potential A/B-Day Schedule

Weddington High School is always looking for new, innovative ways to enhance their approach to education. Next year, Weddington’s administration is considering implementing a new schedule, known as an A/B schedule. Although this is a new concept to Weddington, it is currently being utilized throughout Union County.

What would an A/B schedule look like? Many schools in the surrounding area design the A/B schedule to work with Advanced Placement classes. Many educators find it hard to fit the entire curriculum into the semester long Advanced Placement classes, so schools decided to replace the concept of semesters with “A” day and “B” day. This means an alternating schedule every two days. On “A” day, students would report to four of their classes, and on the “B” day, students would report to their other four classes that would have otherwise been second semester. The average student will still have eight classes in a school year, but the semester will be broken down into the schedule.

The new schedule will allow the semester Advanced Placement classes to be spread throughout the year, providing students and educators with the time needed to succeed. Since students would have classes every other day, they would also have an additional night to complete their daily assignments and coursework.

Although the A/B schedule may increase scores and relieve some pressure, it may bring confusion and difficulty. In the past, other schools’ students struggled with remembering the schedule in the beginning and had difficulty keeping up with their deadlines and responsibilities.  

As of now, the potential of an A/B schedule is still under discussion as these aspects and many others are still being evaluated.