Candidates for North Carolina’s Supreme Court Election
North Carolina voted last year to make judicial races partisan for the first time since the 90’s. North Carolina holds a seat up for re-election in the highest court of the state. The Supreme Court Justice Candidates are Barbara Jackson, Anita Earls, and Chris Anglin.
Barbara Jackson – Republican
Barbara Jackson, 56, is a Republican and currently in office, and is running for re-election.
Jackson won the 2010 Supreme Court Election, and after an eight year term, she hopes to
remain in court. During her 2010 election, Jackson explained how she found some of the court’s
settlements to be unfavorable and wanted to work towards fixing that issue. “I’m a firm believer in stare decisis, even if I don’t personally agree with the decision.” Jackson said. “Our courts are a cornerstone of Democracy, and public trust is paramount.” Jackson believes there is still work
for her to be done on the court, and aims for technological advances and political discord’s
removal on justice ruling.
Anita Earls – Democrat
Anita Earls, 58, is a Democrat, as well as a civil rights attorney. Earls decided to run for
Supreme Court Justice this year because she feels Jackson has not done her part and many
decisions made in the past seem to be controversial. Earls wants a stronger fight for separation
of power, and hopes to maintain North Carolina’s Republican-led legislature. Earls also hopes to
enforce a good checks and balances system in the state, an issue she believes Jackson has
been loose on. She explains how in her past, her brother’s murder and her biracialism, cause her to be “ fair and impartial”. “I know that communities of color are more often victims of crime,”
said Earls.
Chris Anglin – Republican
The third candidate, Chris Anglin, 32, is a Republican and a personal injury attorney.
Anglin brings some speculation with his campaign. He is running as a Republican, but shortly
before the race he was registered as a Democrat, and his campaign is being run by a Democrat. Many Republican leaders consider Anglin “the enemy” and a “Democratic plant”. Along with lack of experience compared to his fellow components, Anglin also holds a criminal record of a DWI and trespassing.