A Warrior Homecoming

The Homecoming game took place the Friday before Saturday night’s Homecoming dance.

Weddington High School celebrated homecoming last week. All week long, students dressed according to the theme for the day. Friday marked the last day for spirit day, and one of the most intense games, the homecoming game against their arch rival- Marvin Ridge High School. Students were able to nominate a female student and voted for their grade’s queen.

On the freshmen ballot stood, Kailyn Parks, Emily Shupe, and Marcella Pazzaglini. Marcella Pazzaglini took home the crown for the ninth grade class. On the sophomore ballot stood, Layanne Bedwan, Anna Buzzard, Ashley Price, and Abby Summer. Ashley Price won the crown for her grade. On the junior ballot stood, Skylar Melton, Clara Root, Skye Walker-Davis, and Sydney Kroll. Sky Walker-Davis won junior class queen. And on the senior ballot stood, Helena Davis, Brooke Kopittke, Emily Moonan, and Sarah Margaret Sandlin. Emily Moonan received the crown, winning Weddington High School’s 2018 Homecoming Queen. Emily announced “I am thankful to be nominated homecoming queen and be part of such an amazing night. I appreciate all the support from my friends, classmates, teammates, and family! It is such an honor and I was very grateful to be out there with all of the beautiful [homecoming] nominees”. Emily Moonan is a star student, as well as an active student. She is a cheerleader for the Weddington Warriors, a leader of the school’s National Beta Club, and demonstrates true warrior spirit.